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All prices listed here are absolute base prices and are subjects to change depending on the complexity of the commission. That means that I may charge extra for characters with complex anatomy or design, wings, multiple structured horns, heavy fur or scale detail, detailed clothing, heavy jewelry etc. If you are unsure if the final price is within your budget, feel free to ask (preferably before submitting a form).

SIMPLE [BUST: €50+ | FULLBODY: €80+] Flat color drawing of your character, decent rendering and minimal / no shading (depends on the pose) on a transparent / simple coloured background. You can choose the expression and pose. Each additional character is 100% of the base price (max. 3 characters interacting in one drawing). Simple props may be added in the background for +10€ (e.g., plants, character's item, gory detail).

COMPLEX [BUST: €80+ | FULLBODY: €130+] Drawing of your character in my regular artstyle (detailed rendering / proper shading) on a transparent/ simple colored background. You can choose the expression and pose. Each additional character is 100% of the base price (max. 3 characters interacting in one drawing). Simple props may be added in the background for +10€ (e.g., plants, character's item, gory detail).

SYMMETRY [HEARSHOT: €30+] Symmetrical headshot of your character on a smaller canvas, with proper render and minimmal/simple shading on a transparent background. You can choose the expression, thick black or white outline may be added for it to look like a sticker.

Please have in mind that my style is in a constant changing process, so each final artwork may look a little different than the other (as seen on examples) depending on the rendering "style" I'll use (which is mostly experimental lately), and the character given (fur texture, scales, pose etc.). Shading will be appropriate to support the pose / expression and characters design as well.

If you want something that is not listed here, you can ASK for it. 

Your request will then be discussed and priced individually.

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